
Friday, April 8, 2011


My Jaxon, you are 4 years and 8 months.  Many think you are 6 because you are so tall! 
 You love baseball and have 4 or 5 Padres shirts that you wear all the time to prove it. 
Right now, when you wake up, you hit the ground running.  Literally.  When your feet hit the floor, it sounds like you've jumped from the top of your bunk.  We are still working on having "quiet feet". 
Your latest fascination is dressing like an Egyptian.  You love to watch "Ten Commandments" just to see the Egyptian attire.  You often ask me to make you costumes out of foil.  It seems to work and I am getting pretty good!
You have a knack for puzzles.  Your favorite one right now is a 60 piece of the US.
You LOVE geography!  You know many of the states and their capitals and you know all the continents and some of their countries.
You are learning to read and know how to spell some words.  Like, "cat", "dip", "dad", "mom", "love" and "Jesus".  You know, the important ones.  :)
You are sooo excited to learn to swim.  You keep reminding me that you need to get lessons.
You take a shower all by yourself.  You actually do a great job.
You can down a double-double from In-N-Out with ease.  You eat like a teenage boy.  We will need a second income just to feed you when you actually are a teenager.
You love bugs.  Pincher bugs especially.  You think it's funny when they pinch you.  Bleck!
You are so tender with your sister Maia.  You carry her around, put her in her walker and take her out of the highchair.  She lights up when you're around
You love Jesus.  You love to talk about the Gospel.  You love to memorize scripture and you love to pray.  Your tender heart prays for Japan lately.
Your prayer for Japan:
"Dear God, Thank you for Japan.  Heal the people from their sin, help them to have a new heart and make them alive again. Take the big wave away from the Pacific Ocean.  In Jesus name, Amen."
Jaxy, you bring me so much joy.  You are a blessing from the Lord and I love you.  


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fun with Flashlights

These two have a TON of toys.  Way more than I had growing up.  (Rob and I are actually wanting to pack up most of them)  Trains, legos, dolls, play name it.  But of all the toys they have they have the best time with flashlights!

They close themselves in the closet and have flashlight wars.  I have no idea what they are actually doing, I just hear lots of giggling and lightsaber type noises.  What I do know is that they are having fun and getting along. 

I tried to get a snapshot of all the fun, but once I opened the door I just got these two cute and serious faces.  So, I quickly took the picture and let them get back to their closet adventure.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beezie Queen

Maia Bee




         Beezie Queen

Nicknames are funny like that.  They evolve, come outta nowhere and usually don't make too much sense (in our family at least).

You can call her anything at this point.  She wont know.  Just dont call her a boy.  

Some Days

I thought I gave up blogging. 

But... I'm back!

Life is busy, unpredictable and a joy!  Some days I forget to eat or wash my face.  Some days I follow my not-so-strict schedule to the T and some days most days that schedule is nowhere to be found.  Some days my meals are a culinary masterpiece (kinda) and some days it's PB & J on a paper plate (made with love, of course!)  No day is the same.  The only constant in our lives is our never changing God.  He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. 

On those days that I am soo tired I know that He isn't.  He is constant.  He will give me the grace to get through the day.  On the days I am lacking patience I can look to Him knowing he is long suffering. 

"But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness."
Psalm 86:15

Life is inconsistent.  But I can look to God knowing He is faithful.  Everyday.

Thank you, Lord for your grace.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Winner, Winner, Pizza Dinner

You might recognize this picture from a recent post. This was taken a few months back in the Padre dugout on "Fan Appreciation Day".

Channel 4, the Padre station here in San Diego, was having a contest called "Future Baseball Superstar" or something like that. All you had to do was send in a picture of your kid(s) in their Padre gear to win a pizza party. Rob encouraged me to enter a picture of Jaxon. He wears baseball gear EVERYDAY so I knew I could find a cute photo of my boy. This is the picture I used. There is no way they could resist this face, right?....

Well, it seems they couldn't! We got a call last week saying that we were one of the winners of the contest! Jax's cute face won him a big pizza party!!!
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Friday, May 14, 2010

We Are Family

Maia Isabelle is here and we are officially "The Adrain Five".
The morning of the 12th I was woken up at 1 am by intense contractions.  They were a minute and a half long and 2-3 minutes apart.  I had planned to labor as much as possible at home but after calling my doula, who is also a good friend, she suggested I instead go straight to the hospital.  We live about 20 minutes away from the hospital and she didn't want to cut it close.  I was in full was time to go!  So, Rob loaded up the car and we were off!
We arrived at the hospital just before 2 am.  I went up to Triage were they checked my progress.  I thankfully was already at 5 cm dilated so they planned to take me to the delivery room right away. 
Rob and Sofia, my wonderful doula, were there in the delivery room helping me stay focused and kept me breathing.  I was determined to do it drug-free and needed their support to make it through.  I did want to give up a few times but with lots of prayer and God's grace I endured to the end and felt EVERYTHING! :)  It was an amazing thing and I am so thankful to have done it but I am also so glad it's over!!
Once Maia was in position, she came out with two good pushes.  It was a joy and a relief to see her there healthy and beautiful.  It was also amazing to see how much she looked like Jaxon.  Rob said that the moment she was born he was instantly taken back about 4 years to Jax's birth. 
May 12th at 6:35 am is the very moment Maia arrived weighing in at 8 lbs and 20 inches long.  She a precious addition to our family and a blessing from God that is so undeserved.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Too Much Fun

Being a mom is so fun!  The best moments are never planned. 
One random evening the kids decided to play dress up and dance in the living room until bedtime.  They both love music but Rylee is more gifted in the rhythm department.  It's a crack up to watch her shake it!